Online Personal Training Vs Traditional Personal Training

Hi! I’m Fitness Coach Will Levin of Older Guys Fitness here to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online person training vs traditional (in gym) personal training. In terms of benefits for you, they are really not that different. So let’s get started.

If you have not worked with a personal trainer before, whether online or in person, the benefit to you is achieving your fitness goals faster and better. All personal trainers are worth the cost. The main advantage of having an in person PT is their ability to observe you doing the exercises and making corrections in your form based on their observations. Another advantage is you have a relationship with warm-bodied human being. Those are important benefits but that is really where is ends. No disrespect to my brothers and sisters in the profession.

The main disadvantage of an in person PT is the cost. Let’s look at the numbers. You pay on average $50 for a one hour session. This adds up. Most exercise programs have you in the gym at least 3 days a week. That’s $150 per week and $600 per month. That’s $7200 per year. Those numbers may vary but that’s a good average.

First off, as to correcting exercise errors, online personal trainers usually provide a video showing proper exercise technique for any given exercise. And if a client needs feedback, the trainer can demonstrate via video the proper technique themselves. Or the client could video themselves doing the exercise so that the trainer can make corrections. With technology it can be done.

Online personal trainers can evaluate the physical condition of a client by video. Once they have completed their assessment of the client, they will create a custom exercise program based on the client’s goals. The client then takes that program, either written or digital on their smartphone, to the gym. And the client can message the trainer at anytime. Plus, they get routine video calls to discuss their progress. Client and trainer are in daily contact. That’s how we do it at Older Guys Fitness.

The most important benefit of online training is the cost. For example, at Older Guys Fitness we offer 90-day programs for $499. Now let’s compare that to an in person trainer. At $50 an hour you would only get 10 workouts (for $499) in 3 months. Clearly, 3 or 4 workouts a month is not enough to achieve your goals. Assuming, the in person trainers only advantage is error correction, is that worth $5000 a year? Again, no disrespect to in person PTs.

In the end it’s a matter of personal preference. Some people want a trainer in the gym with them. And that’s cool. To each his own, right? Others might value the cost savings while still getting the same benefits. A better bang for their buck as they say.

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